💡ContractAddress & Info


Contract Address

Token Contract : 0x6e5c4aD762F43EBFe86B6E12E187Db6675446d53

Pool Address : 0xDE5A0BB83507Cb7C352ddfd6C4c6b205E3fcd252 (initial liquidity is 0.5 ETH)

LP locker : https://app.rocketswap.cc/locker, search with 0xDE5A0BB83507Cb7C352ddfd6C4c6b205E3fcd252

Token locker : https://app.rocketswap.cc/locker, search with 0x6e5c4aD762F43EBFe86B6E12E187Db6675446d53


Initial Total Supply : 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 = (1 * 10^18)

Supply for community airdrop : 5% (Locked in 7days)

Tokens for LP pools : 50% (2 month lock)

Tokens for staking & listing etc : 40% (Locked in 14days, will be extended till the pool is ready)

Tokens for team : 5% (Locked in 7days)

Buy fee : 3% ( 1% for marketing, 1% for burn, 1%for development)

Sell fee : 3% ( 1% for marketing, 1% for burn, 1% for development)

Last updated